The Wild Plan is a new model for an independent national theatre tour.
The Wild Plan creates shared experiences for communities. It does not sell tickets. It does not take place in a theatre. It does not take itself all that seriously.
The Wild Plan was co-invented by myself and Eric Powell Holm. Its maiden voyage took place in August 2011, and toured to South Dakota, Minnesota, Ohio, and Massachusetts.
The following summer, Wild Plan 2.0 divided and conquered: in New York City, Wild Plan: Sunset Rooftops–led by Eric–convened a series of performances on, you guessed it, rooftops (at sunset). Meanwhile, the other half of Wild Plan 2.0 was an extended collaboration with Minneapolis-based collective MYNDWYRM. Creating a suite of interactive and immersive performances (termed autotheatre), MYNDWYRM and I toured to Seattle and Portland, where we presented our work as resident artists of RECESS Gallery.
Eric and I were commissioned to write a series of essays on The Wild Plan for You can read them here.