Category: Interactive
Seven Minutes in Heaven
An exploration of guided intimacy and the performance of romance It begins with a shot. Of whiskey, usually. The two participants are given audio devices and headphones and are directed to begin playback simultaneously while standing outside of a room. Once the audio begins, a friendly voice instructs the players to follow its directions and…
P.I.C.N.I.C. (Performative Interactions Creating Naturally Inclusive Community)
Examining the boundaries of public and private space in Northeast Minneapolis A group of thirty people assemble on a grassy vacant lot in Northeast Minneapolis. Each has downloaded an MP3 track necessary for the experience of this piece. Unbeknownst to the participants, not each person has the same track. Individuals begin their audio simultaneously; they…
Sad Portland
“Welcome. I am sorry to inform you that you have reached the Sad Portland hotline. If you are currently in the depressing cemetery, please press 1. If you are in the gloomy schoolyard, please press 2.” First you’ll need to get ahold of one of the Sad Portland maps, distributed to Portland galleries and theatres.…
Satisfy your OCD and fit all of the objects in the frame at a 45°/90° angle. Exactly. No gaps. And on time. ASAP. Recommended if you like packing things nicely and neatly. Created for the 2016 Global Game Jam “Ritual” with Nic Albrecht, Chloe Chia, Dominic Liu, and Alex Voskuil. Additional information and a downloadable…
fast-paced, hilarious, requires a stolen shopping cart Created in collaboration with Minneapolis-based collective MYNDWYRM, Cartball is a 3v3 game in which teams compete to score points by throwing a ball into a shopping cart controlled by the defense. For a sense of the rules and gameplay, watch this goofy video:
National Psychogeographic
“Turn so that the wind is at your back. When you reach the blue building, call me again.” A highly subjective urban journey, directed by phone. Participants begin in a gallery space by calling the National Psychogeographic Hotline, which guides them through a meditative centering exercise inside the gallery before inviting them to hang up, walk…
Start by pressing on your eyeballs
That feeling you get when someone else is touching your phone In a pitch-dark room, a boombox tinnily plays spooky music. A voice interrupts the music and invites the audience to use their phones to light their way to the stage to come sit in a circle. Sitting together in the semi-dark, lit by blue device-light,…
Death and the Compass: a geolocative AR mystery
Amid the unceasing aroma of the eucalypti An augmented reality adaptation of Jorge Luis Borges’ story by the same title, Death and the Compass uses participants’ smartphones to immerse them in the investigation of a series of gruesome ritual murders. After downloading the mobile app, players are shown a location on a map to which they must…
Bob & Dave & Ren
A jumble of aesthetic theory, participation, and Dirty Dancing. With a few surprises along the way. [portfolio_slideshow] March 23 – 25, 2016 at Carnegie Mellon University’s Helen W. Rauh Studio Theater. conceived, written, and directed by Ben Gansky
Silent Film
Silent Film is a three-part interactive live-scored film-cum-site-specific-dance conceived with Eric Powell Holm, Katie Melby, John Egan, and Ben Lewis. It performed at Cloud City in April 2013. direction from Eric Powell Holm interaction design, writing, film editing, scenic and lighting elements by Ben Gansky performed by Katie Melby and John Egan costume design by…